Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The New Problem of Internet Addiction - 764 Words
With reference to relevant literature, identify and discuss a concern which has become a problem for users of the internet. Miniwatts Marketing Group (2009) stated that more than two billion people use the internet. The internet is a world wide web of computer networks, all linked to one another. The internet enables people to communicate almost instantly, research and access data or information, and is most commonly used for email. The popularity of email has almost seen the demise of postal services (Harris, 2007). This essay will argue that one concern for users of the internet is addiction, as millions of users become consumed in the habit, with severe cases of internet addiction resulting in death and violence. Internet addiction is a habit addiction, rather than a form of substance abuse. According to Kimberley Young it is â€Å"the world’s fastest growing addiction†(2009, p 2). Perhaps the reason for this is due to the many ways in which the internet can be used and how commonly accessible it has become in the home or office. For example, the internet can be used for online shopping, virtual gaming, social networking and aspects of the internet that are addictive. The concern with this is how the use of the internet is impacting on a person’s everyday living. Similarly to other forms of addiction, inappropriate use of the internet can result in lost employment, broken relationships, financial loss and even death. In an extreme case, a teenage addict killed hisShow MoreRelatedInternet Addiction1662 Words  | 7 PagesInternet Addiction Introduction While some media news and reports seem to be truthful in their effort to inform and educate the public regarding internet addiction, it is not surprising to see bad science and misinterpretation presented in others on the same issue. 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People from all over the world depend on the internet for their everyday needs ranging from grocery shopping to entertainment. Our dependence on this resource increases daily. This dependence has caused side effects not foreshadowed with the internet. Now humanity is faced with reality of internet addiction. Just like any other addiction to drugs, internet addiction can ruin a person and their family. It disconnects people fromRead MoreEssay on Internet addiction1725 Words  | 7 PagesInternet and Video Game Addiction Internet addiction is a worldwide disorder that is oblivious to the technological age we live in. Since its inception in 1991 (Livingstone), the World Wide Web has only improved our quality of life. People don’t perceive online technology as a problem but as a solution to make our lives cheaper and efficient. As a working college student, my whole life is run on the internet. I use Facebook religiously to keep in-touch with my friends, I play Xbox Live to competeRead MoreInternet Addiction And Digital Dependency Among Young New Zealand Adults Essay1519 Words  | 7 Pagesthemselves while using the internet, whether it is for social media, educational or for business use. The internet is a large part of an individual’s daily life, particularly young New Zealand adults from the ages of 18 to 30 years old. Majority of individuals cannot go days or even hours without checking social media or using the some form of digital technology. This is has resulted in multiple clin icians, academics and even journalists claiming that there is a new form of addiction impacting societiesRead MoreThe Internet Addiction Disorder1152 Words  | 5 Pages An increasing problem streaming throughout the global society today is IAD or Internet Addiction Disorder. 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The highly advanced internet makes our lives better, which is non-debatable, but there are also some drawbacks brought up by improper internet usage and one of the most influential symptoms is Internet addiction. Internet addiction affects people by causing the deterioration of the quality ofRead MoreInternet Addiction And Its Negative Impact1002 Words  | 5 PagesThe Buzz about Internet Addiction and its Negative Impact Meta Description: The internet connects millions of people, providing information, entertainment and communication platform. HealthyHow2 is a leading resource for well-researched medical information. Internet Addiction The internet has become an integral component of our life, and this has greatly transformed the way we access information, communicate and do our work. Added to this fact, the internet is widely available in people’s homes
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